Sunday, May 3, 2009

Why we started, why we stayed.

A friend of mine like a year ago approached me about this product 'Mona Vie', because I was into this other home business, and he wanted me to get into this one as well.  He sent me this link about some soap opera star on General Hospital who was going ga-ga over this stuff. 

This is the link he sent: 

Well, I don't watch soaps, and I don't want to get into yet another home business, I don't have the time or interest.  So it just kind of drifted out of my consciousness.

About, oh like 9 months later or so, my wife's best friend goes to a meeting at this soap opera guy's house, because she wanted to meet him (nice lure there...), and got sold on 'joining' Mona Vie.  Well, here's the weird thing, at the time, she had been to the doctor several times about a growing lump in her breast.  Obviously, this was a concern.  She started drinking Mona Vie.

And the lump went away.  For real.

So my wife, she used to be a model.  (no, that actually has nothing to do with the story, I just like to brag on my wife.  :) ) But after having four kids, she started having some health problems that affected her skin.  With our last child, she got this really bad eczema on her hands and in the pit of her arms that wouldn't go away.  It was red, scaly, bumpy, itchy, would crack and bleed...  It made her pretty miserable.  

She tried everything, going to 'regular' doctors and getting prescriptions that didn't work.  Going to a naturopath and changing her diet.  Cremes, lotions, you name it.  Nothing would get rid of this crap.

So her friend gives her a bottle of Mona Vie.  She starts drinking it (the 'max' amount of 4 oz per day), and in two days, the eczema is GONE.  Again, for real.  

Now the downer, her friend's husband lost his job, and they couldn't afford to buy Mona Vie regularly anymore.  Well... the lump is back.  What does that say?  I have no idea.  Did Mona Vie suppress whatever it was?  And now that it's back, will it work again if she starts up?  No clue.  Just giving you full disclosure.

Also, for a while we couldn't get Mona Vie, and my wife, who is now preggers again with our fifth child, (I don't blame Mona Vie for that.  Or should I? Hmm...) was having some really gnarly morning sickness.  Like the kind that doesn't just happen in the morning.  The kind that makes you nauseous all day long... Well, we just got signed up as distributors, and had our first drop-ship arrive on our doorstep a couple days ago, and since she's been taking Mona Vie again, her morning sickness has really lightened up.  She says anyway, and attributes it to Mona Vie.

I also just sold a case to a friend whose wife has Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  I'm very curious to see if at the least Mona Vie makes her feel better and have more energy.

So we're off to the races.  I'll keep updating how this 'miracle juice' is doing for the people I know who are using it.  

Until next time,